50to01 – The Green Zone

Josh und Max von der 50to01 Crew lassen es in diesem Edit in Morzine mal wieder ordentlich fliegen!

Was als Gag in den sozialen Medien begann, entwickelt sich nun zum totalen Medien-Phänomen: Die 50to01-Crew haut einen weiteren Edit raus, in dem Genie und Wahnsinn mal wieder sehr nah beieinander liegen, und alle rasten aus. Wir auch!

The Green Zone

„The Green Zone – They say when you’re in the blue zone, you can feel too lazy to find your flow. Things are dazy and you just end up feeling slow. Then theres the red zone, where things are hypey but slightly over buzzed. Everything seems so lively but your mind feels rather fuzzed. Now there’s the green zone, where the world is calm and free, all is fun and love and thats all it could ever be… Josh Lewis and Max of Clay Spades channeling the green zone. Thanks to all the brothers who ripped in morzine, what an experience… this ones for you.“


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